Herbicide Phytotoxicity in Landscapes and Nurseries: What’s In a Name?
Herbicides represent important tools to manage unwanted plants (weeds) in Landscapes and Nurseries. Herbicides are especially efficient and efficacious in lieu of physical means. Unfortunately, mistakes do happen. And when herbicide mistakes happen, they often present HUGE problems for our industry. Mistakes may occur from supplier advice, our failure to thoroughly read and understand herbicide labels, notoriously confusing labels, uncontrollable variables such as weather, and misapplication, among other contributors. Manufacturers of herbicides sometimes market different active ingredients under the same brand name, leading to misunderstandings by professional applicators and lay people alike.
This program will disclose some of The Plant Doctor’s experiences with herbicide toxicity to plants over the past year or so.
Dr. Dave Roberts
Dr. Roberts has researched many issues in Michigan’s plant industry, including Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease, and Diplodia Tip Blight of Pines, along with a variety of cultural problems such as plant nutrition and herbicide toxicity. During his career, he has discovered a variety of new diseases and pests such as Phomopsis Canker of Spruce and the first bacterial wilt disease of turfgrasses in North America. In the early 2000s, his research on Ash Decline in Southeast Michigan led to the discovery of the invasive Emerald Ash Borer in North America. In his retirement, Dr. Roberts intends to remain active with the Green Industry. Dr. Roberts is President, CEO and CBW (Chief Bottle Washer) of The Plant Doctor, LLC…aka the Tree Doctor.