Overview (All sessions)

Don’t Just Think – KNOW the Value of Your Business

Business owners often think they know what their business is worth, until they go to sell it… and then they get a rude awakening. Avoid that moment and know exactly what your business is worth. This session pulls back the curtain on business valuation methods and provides attendees with insight into how to build value in their businesses.

Whether an owner plans to sell to a third party or to a family member, the steps required to build value lead to a more successful outcome for everyone involved.

Using RFID for Tracking Inventory at a Large Outdoor Production Nursery

Radio Frequency Identification has been around for decades and, while practical application has skyrocketed in many industries, challenges in the production environment have limited successful implementation in nursery and greenhouse production. However, recent innovations in RFID tag technology and interest by one of the world leaders in RFID labeling has eliminated many of these barriers to RFID label use.

AI and the Green Industry: What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

AI tools have been around for a long time but they are just starting to become more mainstream.  Learn how generative AI tools work, how you can use them to be more efficient with marketing, and how they will affect your customers' ability to find you via search. Leave this session with a basic understanding of how AI will affect your business and how you can make sure that it has a positive effect.

Spring Clean Your Website & Dust Off Your Email Program

Get your digital ducks in a row. Update your website for a fantastic 2024 season. Learn how updates that you might not know about can make a big difference. Make sure your website and email marketing are working together.

With all of the changes happening with online search and algorithm disruptions, it's more important than ever that you have a direct line to your customers to communicate important information. Leave with a DIY cheat sheet and an email roadmap to make it easy for you!

Introducing the Tree Diversity Reporting Index: A New Tool to Assess Urban Forest Biodiversity

In recent years, it has become a growing priority to establish and maintain resilient urban forests. This has been motivated, in part, by significant tree loss following varied pest and pathogen infestations, and in part, due to concerns regarding urban tree survival in changing climatic conditions. Plans for urban forest resilience are rooted in principles of urban forest biodiversity, begin with comprehensive inventories of urban tree cover, and are often laid out in urban forest management guidance documents.

Developing a Niche Landscape Business

To set your company apart from the pack, you have to offer something different and attractive – It has to be the best of you, your team, your creativity, and your joy of interaction with your clients. In broad brush strokes, this presentation will address the development of your “brand”, your personal development as a business person as well as your personal development outside of your business.

The Form and Function of Naturalistic Design: From the Front Door to the Edges

Good naturalistic design should leave one wondering what was there first, the structures or the landscape. The goal is to create spaces that have the same feel as an exceptionally beautiful and peaceful spot that you might discover on a walk in the wilds.

This presentation illuminates what makes that happen and design weaknesses that conflict with that goal.

Driver Vehicle Inspection Requirements

This 50-Minute presentation provides the participant with information on driver pre- and post-trip inspection requirements found in Part 393 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as well as Periodic Inspection (annual) requirements and record keeping requirements found in Part 396 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.

All participants will receive a copy of the presentation, a Vehicle Inspection DVD and a copy of the Michigan Truck Drivers Guidebook.

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