Getting a Piece of the Action: Growing Your Business to Include the Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Native Plant Landscapes
A previously slow but steady movement towards native landscapes is beginning to accelerate, with a demand for lower-maintenance properties and landscapes that use less water, include less lawn, benefit wildlife, and offer a more naturalized look than traditionally cultivated properties. This session is for anyone interested in learning more about the design, installation, and maintenance of native plant landscapes and capturing a share of this burgeoning market.
Key takeaways: 1) Understand the basic underlying principles for a successful native landscape design and the differences and similarities from traditional landscapes. 2) Large quantities of native plants can be a challenge to locate; learn where you can buy native plugs and seeds and best practices for installation. 3) What maintenance to expect in years 1-3 from your naive plant installation and how to deal with clients whose "final vision" doesn't match their patience level.
John Clese
John Clese is the owner of Lake Effect Garden and Design, a design and installation firm that focuses almost exclusively on the use of native plants. John is a founding Board Member of Restoration Earth.

Micah Dickinson
Micah Dickinson is the President of Restoration Earth, whose mission is to increase the supply and use of native plants throughout all landscapes to help restore biodiversity and provide an abundant and thriving planet for all living beings. In addition to his work with Restoration Earth, Micah is leading the charge of replacing AFFF firefighting foam containing PFAS with a fluorine-free solution.

Keith Kluting
Keith Kluting is the owner of Black River Habitats. The firm is involved in many aspects of ecological restoration, from native prairie installation and wetland improvement and construction to invasive species evaluation and control. Keith is a founding Board Member of Restoration Earth.

Vern Stephens
Vern Stephens owns Designs by Nature, LLC, a native plant nursery and native landscape consulting company. He retired from the Michigan DNR Wildlife Division as a Senior Wildlife Assistant, where his work specialized in grasslands and invasive species management.