Management of the Redheaded Flea Beetle in Nursery Production Systems
Raymond will discuss the biology, ecology, behavior, and damage associated with redheaded flea beetle adults. Raymond will then address the management strategies, based on his research, that can be implemented to mitigate plant damage caused by redheaded flea beetle adults. He will highlight the use of systemic insecticides as an effective management strategy against redheaded flea beetle adults.

Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Dr. Raymond A. Cloyd has an extension and research appointment at Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS). His research and extension program involves pest management/plant protection in greenhouses, nurseries, landscapes, turfgrass, conservatories, interiorscapes, Christmas trees, and vegetables and fruits. Dr. Cloyd is the Extension Specialist in horticultural entomology for the state of Kansas with a major clientele that includes homeowners, master gardeners, and professional and commercial operators.