Innovative Storm Water Solutions: Landscape Engineering Beyond Grading and Drainage
One of the most significant areas of concern in designing climate resilient landscapes is storm water management. Conventional drainage systems designed to capture water and pipe it to municipal systems or daylight are being replaced or enhanced by a more holistic, intergrated approach to managing storm water. We are mandated by federal, state and local regulations to contain and infiltrate rainfall/storm water on site. While this may seem like an impossible task there are many methods, systems and technologies available to make this happen. We will explore creative ways to improve watershed management in the residential landscape environment by soil remediation, bioengineering, land contouring and terraforming as well as using plants for sediment and erosion control.
Features covered will include selecting site appropriate native plants and no-mow seed mixes, fiber logs and compost socks for steep slopes, erosion blankets, tackified hay, bio cells, baffles, perimeter drains and vertical infiltrators etc. Soil remediation to relieve compaction with high grade compost, biochar, enhanced calcitic lime and gypsum, green sand, azomite and mycorrhizal inoculants, wetting agents (yucca) and biostimulants to improve infiltration and overall landscape performance will be covered.
Utilize your existing tools, equipment, experience and skill to create unique landscape environments for health, beauty and profit.

Jay Archer
Jay Archer is one of the East Coast’s leading advocates for ecological landscaping, native plants, and organic land care. In addition to creative landscape design, construction, and management, he has lectured extensively at the New York Botanical Garden, the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, the Native Plant Center in Westchester, the Connecticut Association for Wetland Scientists, the Ecological Landscape Alliance, and the Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Association on subjects ranging from rain gardens and stormwater management to wetland and ecological restoration. His firm, Green Jay Landscape Design, works with homeowners, individuals, schools, and communities to improve the landscape environment, while conserving, preserving and protecting our precious natural resources for our children and our children’s children. Jay says, “Any given living space can be improved aesthetically, ecologically, and economically by analyzing and examining the existing conditions and then developing a design plan and an action protocol.”