Overview (All sessions)

Wi-Fi Fundamentals for Green Industry Professionals

The current market demand for irrigation controllers that can be accessed remotely is growing fast and the Wi-Fi technology is growing even faster. Even if you took a Wi-Fi course in 2021, you are probably missing essential information to be successful today.

From getting an irrigation controller connected and diagnosed to managing your irrigation company as a professional Wi-Fi provider, this course has the latest technological updates.

Mosquito Management

Mosquito development, species of mosquitoes, diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, mosquito distribution and monitoring tactics, public health stats on importance of mosquito control, control aspects (actives, equipment, calibration, PPE).

State Regulations Surrounding Construction Activities on Wetlands, Lakes, and Streams

Certain construction activities such as dredging, adding fill, or placing structures on bottomlands in waterbodies and wetlands of Michigan may be regulated under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994, PA 451, as amended (NREPA). Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams and Part 303, Wetlands Protection of the NREPA are two of the statutes regulating many construction activities on Michigan’s wetlands, lakes, and streams.

Tick Talk

Tick identification and ranges, disease risk and transmission, PPE and public education, pricing tick work and control methods, disease risk and transmission, adulticides and MOA.

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